12 events found.
Agape Angels Praise Dance Rehearsal
If you love dance, feel free to join the Agape Angels!
Young Disciples for Christ Choir Rehearsal
Join us as we lift our voice in song!
Prayer Language
Join us for Wednesday morning prayer Live on Facebook!
Open Office w/Pastor McDavid
Stop by to chat with Pastor McDavid!
Bible Institute
We begin this next Bible Institute session studying the Minor Prophets.
Agape Angels Praise Dance Rehearsal
If you love dance, feel free to join the Agape Angels!
Servant Hands Produce Give Away
The food and produce give away happens every other Saturday, June through October. There are two Saturdays remaining for this event. Food
Young Disciples for Christ Choir Rehearsal
Join us lifting our voice in song!
Agape Angels Praise Dance Rehearsal
If you love dance, feel free to join the Agape Angels!
Young Disciples for Christ Choir Rehearsal
Join us as we lift our voice in song!
Sever’s Fall Festival
Fall fun for the family!
Fall Harvest Party 2021
Come join us for some good old fashioned Fall fun!