12 events found.
Pastor McDavid Preaching Revival
Join Pastor McDavid as he preaches revival at Mt. Olivet.
Mobile Mammography
If you missed your annual mammogram, stop by FMBC!
Youth Sunday
Let's celebrate our youth!
3rd Quarter Business Meeting (for FMBC members)
For FMBC members
Blood Drive
All are welcome! Click event for instructions on how to register.
Ministry Recruitment Drive
There are many ways to serve. Find the one that's right for you!
Agape Angels Praise Dance Rehearsal
If you love dance, feel free to join the Agape Angels!
Young Disciples for Christ Choir Rehearsal
Join us as we lift our voice in song!
Prayer Language
Join us for Wednesday morning prayer Live on Facebook!
Open Office w/Pastor McDavid
Stop by to chat with Pastor McDavid!
Bible Institute
We begin this next Bible Institute session studying the Minor Prophets.
Agape Angels Praise Dance Rehearsal
If you love dance, feel free to join the Agape Angels!