“…for I was hungry and you gave me food…” (Matt. 25:35a)
I needed clothes and you clothed me… (Matt. 25:36a)
The Servant Hands Ministry (SHM) is a unit within the larger Mission Ministry of FMBC. The SHM distributes fresh produce, bakery items, clothing and small household items to the North Minneapolis community. We partner with Second Harvest Heartland, an extension of Feeding America which is one of the nation’s largest and innovative hunger relief organizations.
There are no restrictions on who can be served in this ministry. Everyone is welcomed regardless of race, religion, age, one’s address, or if one receives assistance from another agency. The goal of the food distribution portion of the ministry is to help end hunger in our community.
Our distributions are the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, from July until October. All distributions take place in the south parking lot of FMBC from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.