Minnesota State Baptist Congress of Christian Education
March 21, 2021 @ 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Though virtual, it is the intention of the congress to continue to provide the warm family atmosphere of
the Congress and some of the traditions which we have grown to love and appreciate. Sunday will be a
time of virtual worship and praise via a virtual concert. We will begin our class session with the
Reverend Oliver Medlock Vesper Hour. All students are encouraged to be logged in to the
virtual platform to take part in the Vesper Hour. Note, immediately following each Vesper Hour, relevant
instructions will be given to make this virtual session pleasant and uneventful. In addition, it will be from
this virtual room that someone will move each registered student into their assigned class. Please visit the convention website at the end of the month for a complete list of courses and course descriptions. Also, register early as your early registration helps a great deal in making the necessary preparations that ensures a pleasant online learning experience.
Remember, the two pillars upon which every successful congress session rests is that each church send
participating students, and that each church register. Below you will find the 2021 Congress Course
Schedule. Please promote these courses as soon as possible and register. If you do not see a course you
like, please contact Dr. Gill to see if it can possibly be offered. This kind of congress is new and different
for us, but we can achieve, if not surpass our goal by working together, because we are better together.
Thank you for your participation and support.