Kenyata Wisemon-Norful

Board: Christian Education

Position: Vice Chair


My Faith Journey

Kenyata R. Wisemon-Norful is serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Christian Education and the interim Children and Youth Director. My desire is for everyone to see church as a birthing ground of endless worship. Every role I take is a role of worship.  My faith walk began in Pine Bluff, Arkansas at Bethany Chapel MB Church where my father served as Deacon and Sunday School Superintendent and my mom was the Church Clerk. I was baptized around 7 or 8 and sung in the choir. I attended Sunday School, BTU (Baptist Training Union), and VBS (Vacation Bible School) regularly. My upbringing played a tremendous role in who I am today. I don’t play with church. Everything I do I put my heart into and it has to be done in excellence.

My Family and Hobbies

I am wife to my high school sweetheart Kenneth Norful and mother to Lauren and London. My hobbies are reading, playing online games, and exercising.

My Favorite Bible Verse

One of my favorite Bible verses is Romans 3:23, “for we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”.