Dr. Allyson Brotherson
Board: Christian Education
Position: Vice Chair
Email: abrotherson@gmail.com
My Faith Journey
I was raised in a Christian home by my parents and by an awesome grandmother who was very instrumental in my upbringing and from whom I learned my first lessons in faith. She took me to every Sunday school class, every church pilgrimage , every Church service and I never minded because I loved being in her presence. What I did not realize was that she was building in me a stong faith foundation so that when life’s challenges came along , I knew that God was my rock and that He would never forsake me – and He never has!
My family is a source of great joy to me. Deacon Clyde Brotherson is my love, my greatest encourager, affirmer, teacher and faith warrior. Amiri Brotherson, our son, is one of God’s best blessings to us and our pride and joy.
Together, we have a very large extended family which includes my beautiful mother and 4 siblings and their families and Clyde’s beloved brother Keith and his family and dozens of cousins.
Favorite Bible Verse
“ I will lift my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.”
This verse always reminds that instead of feeling bowed down and burdened by life’s challenges, I just have to raise my eyes, my praise and my prayers to the ONE who gave His life for me.
I am an avid reader and can lose myself in books by writers who tell a good story that captures my imagination from beginning to end . It is no surprise therefore that I love good movies that do the same . I sew and love to cook our traditional Caribbean foods when I have time and I enjoy traveling with my family.