
Girl Scout Cookie Sale

Let's support our Girl Scout Troop 13780 in their annual Cookie sale. The scouts will be in the Center for Families reception


Prayer Language

Join Pastor McDavid live on Facebook each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM for a time of prayer. Find us on Facebook at


Prayer Meeting

If we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he prayed—with others (Luke 9:28), for others (Matthew 19:13-14), and on


Prayer Language

Join Pastor McDavid live on Facebook each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM for a time of prayer. Find us on Facebook at


Prayer Meeting

If we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he prayed—with others (Luke 9:28), for others (Matthew 19:13-14), and on


Chair Yoga/Meditation

There are many benefits of chair yoga, which include: Increased flexibility: Flexibility is essential in performing most of the daily tasks. ...


Prayer Language

Join Pastor McDavid live on Facebook each Wednesday morning at 7:00 AM for a time of prayer. Find us on Facebook at


Prayer Meeting

If we look at the life of Jesus, we see that he prayed—with others (Luke 9:28), for others (Matthew 19:13-14), and on